Afterworld 3D virtual game with real cash ingame

Afterworld is free market economy game MMOG (Massively multiplayer online game), set in a science fiction setting of post-Apocalyptic Siberia.
This game kinda reminds on Entropia Universe, but the game starts with a different story. Avatar is at the very beginning placed in quarantine, where after talking with the guard gets different tasks: mining, collecting ingredients, killing slugs ... and earn enough "promissory notes" to buy citizenship and get out of noob quarantine, or you can pay $10 and buy your citizenship.
link: AfterWorld RCE( real cash economy) online 3D RPG game

If you do manage to get through the boring start playing in quarantine, you’ll find it to be a very addicting game. The graphics are improving, and most of the features of the game work really well.
Game virtual currency is afterworld dollar 1AWD = 0.10USD, but the withdraw feature doesn’t work in Afterworld yet.

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