CashTowns - GoldenTowns

Cashtowns is browser MMOSG (Massive Multiplayer Online Strategy Game)  where player start as the owner of a small town, your job is to prepare a strategic upgrades which will lead to development of military units to conquer, defense and help your country in an international wars.

Options in Cash-towns are endless, you can choose your own way to be successful citizen. Development town, road construction, deforestation, urban sprawl ... but you will also be faced with economic challenges, prices of products on the market are changing all the time, rules of supply and demand.
CashTown gameplay
CashTown gameplay 1
Exchange virtual gold in real money! In cashtowns you can withdraw your earnings to your bank account. The more you play, the more you'll earn.

AnnoLabs withdrawl rates: 20 gold equals 1 euro. Minimum withdraw amount is 100€ (2000gold);

link to CashTown - GoldTown game

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